
Bulk create Google Calendar events with optional Meet or Zoom

Bulk create Google Calendar events with optional video conferencing (Google Meet or Zoom) all from a Google Sheet.

Google Sheet columns allow for event details to be added

Google Sheet columns allow for event details to be added

Features of the tool

  • Performs an initial check that you have access to the provided Calendar to create events on.
  • Allows for events to be created on another Calendar that you have suitable access to (not just your own).
  • Uses toast popups to inform you of the progress as each creates each event per row.
  • Fast and efficient for creating a large number of events in one go.
  • Will not duplicate events if re-run, so you can continue to append further if you wish.
  • Provides a direct link to the created event from within the Google Sheet for easy access.
  • Performs a check of any missing ‘required’ information and informs the user via a popup so they can resolve this.
  • Includes ‘Log’ sheet to help output any error messages.
  • Has a ‘Reset’ option in the menu bar to remove all entered data and start from scratch.
  • Replicates 90%+ of the settings you can adjust when directly creating an event in Google Calendar.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk create Google Calendar events with optional Meet or Zoom – overview

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