
Google Apps Script: Extract Specific Data From a PDF and insert it into a Google Sheet – Yagisanatode

Have you ever asked for a list from a client, another department or agency and instead of saving into a file that might even be considered marginally useful, they give it to you as a pdf.

After some prostrations to the great Google Apps Script gods, I had a though. “Hey, can’t we convert a PDF to a Google Doc with just a click of the button? Surely the great Google Apps Script devs have made it so we can do it programmatically too.” And you know what? They bloody well did. The big legends.

Yagi shares a comprehensive walk-through of how you can sometimes extract data from .PDF documents using Google Apps Script and the advance Drive service. The solution is also able to work on .PDFs created from images using the built-in OCR features of Google Drive and you might want to drop the getTextFromPDF() function shared in the post.

Source: Google Apps Script: Extract Specific Data From a PDF and insert it into a Google Sheet – Yagisanatode

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