
Calculating moving averages in Google Sheets with Google Apps Script (and tips on writing custom functions)

Por esa razón me he puesto manos a la obra y he preparado MEDIAMOVIL(), una función personalizada GAS capaz de calcular varios tipos de medias móviles, que puede ser utilizada (como todas las funciones personalizadas) de manera combinada con el resto de funciones integradas que nos ofrecen las hojas de cálculo de Google.

TRANSLATED: For this reason I have gotten to work and have prepared MEDIAMOVIL(), a custom GAS function capable of calculating various types of moving averages, which can be used (like all custom functions) in combination with the rest of the integrated functions. offered by Google spreadsheets.

Great post from Pablo Felip (@pfelipm) on calculating moving averages in Google Sheets. As part of this Pablo has developed and shared the MEDIAMOVIL() custom function he has developed in Google Apps Script. Clicking through to the source code on Github Pablo has also shared lots of advice on developing custom functions for Google Sheets including using the contextual help features available in custom functions as well as handling parameters and throwing appropriate error messages to the user.

Source: Calculando medias móviles con Google Apps Script

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