
Bulk send emails from a Google Sheet

This is designed to loop through each row of a Google Sheet and send an email containing information from it. This means you can send personalised emails with ad-hoc information for each recipient quickly.

It has been developed so that it is easily expandable for you to add further columns/rows. The script has a number of features to achieve this:

  1. A menu option for easily selecting to send email, with a confirmation dialogue popup.
  2. A timestamp as confirmation for when an email was sent.
  3. A check that an Email Address is present and there is no current value in the Email Sent column – to prevent repeat email sending but also allow ad-hoc emailing by clearing this column for those you wish to send again.
  4. A try/catch to help automatically deal with problematic emails that may break the script – an error message will be written into the Email Sent column and the script will continue on to the next row.

Source: The Gift of Script: Bulk send emails from Google Sheet

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