
Add unsubscribe link in emails using Google Apps Script

Provide your subscribers an option to opt-out of mailing lists by adding unsubscribe link using Google Apps Script.

A useful post on creating a system to allow users to indicate they wish to opt-out of further mailings (useful for PECR or similar electronic communications regulation compliance). The post has the broad steps and code needed for this solution and you will need to fill in some of the blanks like how to record the unsubscribe_hash in the Google Sheet.

Source: Add Unsubscribe link in emails using Google Apps Script

Automatically backup Google Apps Script projects using Github Actions

Image: Copyright 2020 RavSam

Google Apps Scripts are amazing. Without setting any servers, we can do a lot of things like collecting form responses, email marketing campaigns, etc. But as a developer, we like our code to be on Version Control System like Github. In this blog, we will discuss how can you setup Github Actions to automatically backup your Google Apps Scripts to Github.

For Google Apps Script developers who use clasp this is a great post on how you can setup Github Actions as part of your dev flow. Click through to the source for all the details.

Source: Backup Google Apps Scripts using Github Actions