
How to audit Google Shared Drive permissions in Google Sheets with Apps Script

Are you looking for an efficient way to get an overview of all shared drives and their access permissions within your organization? Whether you’re navigating a company reorganization or implementing security procedures, accessing this information can be challenging.

This post from Niek Waarbroek highlights the important of auditing Google Shared Drive permissions. This can be a challenge to do using the Google Workspace Admin Console, especially if you have lots of Shared Drives.

To help Niek has shared a Google Sheet with Apps Script code that automatically generates a list of all shared drives and their associated root level permissions.

Shared Drive auditing is bit of a niche subject, but I encourage you to have a look at the post and script as it has some nice features which could be applicable to other projects. For example, there is a gaspTimeManager to make sure the script doesn’t go beyond the script execution limit.

Source: How to audit shared drive permissions in Google Drive