
Develop My First Gmail Add-on via Google Apps Script: My Software Engineer Internship at dialoggBox

I’m a teacher-turned-developer actively searching my first software engineer job during the pandemic after graduating from Hackbright Academy. As a bootcamp new grad, I am lucky to get an internship opportunity to develop a gmail add-on product at dialoggBox to gain my first industry experience and learn how to work with stakeholders.

My article will be composed of three parts:

  • What service do dialoggBox and this gmail add-on provide?
  • What was my experience using Google Apps Script to build an add-on product?
  • How did I develop each section of the gmail add-on?

The actual details of the add-on developed by the author, Nancy Dai, are promised in a follow-up post but this post serves as a useful insight into the main things to look out for when developing Gmail Add-ons.

Bonus: Following the link to the dialoggBox website I spotted they were using icons from which also took me their sister site, which in turn took me to their ‘Icons for Slides and Docs’ add-on.

Source: Develop My First Gmail Add-on via Google Apps Script: My Software Engineer Internship at dialoggBox