
How to send text messages using Google Sheets and Twilio – Sheets to Apps

Did you know that you can send text messages via Google Sheets? In this episode of Sheets to Apps, we show you how to easily send text messages with Google Sheets via Twilio – an online communications provider.

Back in January Sourabh Choraria highlighted a Medium post from AVG showing how to Send SMS event updates or discount codes using Twilio from a Google Sheet. AVG has now created a short explanatory video covering this solution. You can view the video description for all the code and resources you need to try out this solution.

Google Developers Blog: Building G Suite Add-ons with your favorite tech stack

Let’s talk about the basics of G Suite Add-ons. G Suite Add-ons simplify how users get things done in G Suite by bringing in functionality from other applications where you need them. They provide a persistent sidebar for quick access, and they are context-aware — meaning they can react to what you’re doing in context. … Up until recently, G Suite Add-ons leaned on Apps Script to build Add-ons, but choice is always a good thing, and in some cases you may want to use another scripting language.. So let’s talk about how to build Add-ons using additional runtimes.

Google recently announced the ability to develop G Suite Add-ons using other frameworks other than Google Apps Script. This post on the Google Developers Blog introduces how you can develop G Suite Add-ons with something other than Google Apps Script.

Source: Google Developers Blog: Building G Suite Add-ons with your favorite tech stack

Apps Script’s new V8 runtime | Google Cloud Blog

This update to Apps Script lets users take advantage of modern JavaScript features and enhances new or existing scripts with less verbose, more standardized code.

This post from Alexandrina Garcia-Verdin, better known in the community as AGV, highlights some of the benefits of the new Google Apps Script V8 runtime including succinct syntax and data processing operations: map(), filter() and reduce(). As part this AGV also highlights some of the resources from Ben Collins and Amit Agarwal put together to support the community transition to V8. A nice feature of this post from AGV is side-by-side comparisons of old and new JavaScript syntax:

Image source: Google

Source: Apps Script’s new V8 runtime | Google Cloud Blog

V8 Runtime Overview  |  Apps Script  |  Google Developers

Historically, Apps Script has been powered by Mozilla’s Rhino JavaScript interpreter. While Rhino provided a convenient way for Apps Script to execute developer scripts, it also tied Apps Script to a specific JavaScript version (ES5). Apps Script developers can’t use more modern JavaScript syntax and features in scripts using the Rhino runtime.

To address this concern, Apps Script is now supported by the V8 runtime that powers Chrome and Node.js. You can migrate existing scripts to V8 in order to take advantage of the modern JavaScript syntax and features.

This page describes the new features enabled by V8 and how you can enable V8 for use in your scripts. Migrating scripts to V8 describes steps for migrating existing scripts to use the V8 runtime.

Developers have been waiting a while for the new Google Apps Script runtime, since 2018 in fact, but it’s now here. The new runtime not only allows developers to use modern JavaScript syntax but when announced in 2018 also comes with a a tenfold (x10) faster execution. Follow the link to the developer docs for the full migration guide.

Source: V8 Runtime Overview  |  Apps Script  |  Google Developers