
Build a Google Drive Add-on with Gemini to rename Untitled Google Docs – Name with Intelligence

Google Workspace Add-on for Google Drive, which uses AI to recommend new names for the selected Doc in Google Drive by passing the body of the document within the AI prompt for context.

Tired of staring at “Untitled document” in Google Drive? At Google Cloud Next ’24 and I/O 2024, the Google Workspace DevRel team showcased new Apps Script samples utilizing the Gemini API for AI-powered functionality.

One such sample, “Name with Intelligence” by Charles Maxson, helps developers overcome this common hurdle. This Google Drive add-on leverages the Gemini API to suggest relevant titles for your documents, saving you valuable time and effort.

This innovative Google Drive add-on tackles the common struggle of naming untitled documents. It utilizes the Gemini API to analyse the content of your Google Doc and suggest relevant titles based on its understanding of the text. This not only saves you time brainstorming titles, but also ensures your documents are clearly named for easy searchability later.

Want to see it in action? Check out this clip from Charles’ TU5.8 – Apps Script and Gemini Next ’24 Redux presentation.

Ready to give “Name with Intelligence” a try?

Head over to the GitHub repository to explore the source code.

For those interested in my GeminiApp library, you can also find the sample here.

Take Your Development Further

This is just a glimpse of what’s possible with the Gemini API and Apps Script. With a little creativity, you can develop your own AI-powered Google Workspace add-ons to streamline your workflows and boost your productivity.

I encourage you to experiment and create innovative solutions that enhance your Google Workspace experience!

Source: apps-script-samples/ai/drive-rename/ at main · googleworkspace/apps-script-samples

How AppSheet reached new heights in 2022 as part of Google Workspace

Image credit: Google

As the way we work continues to change, the need for no-code and low-code tools that enable hybrid work and empower the workforce across all industries is on the rise. The democratization of software creation is also gaining ground within organizations, and by 2024 more than 65% of applications will be developed by low-code tools.

I was late to AppSheet, my journey only really starting in May 2022. Like all platforms, even no/low-code, there is a bit of a learning curve to get your head around how it works, but once you do there is a world of opportunities for a wide range of users. Even for seasoned developers features like the Apps Script integration and AppSheet API mean there is plenty of scope to extend the capabilities of AppSheet.

This post from Google provides some useful reference cases, evidencing the impact the platform has had on a range of customers as well has highlighting some recently developments in the AppSheet platform including the opportunity to deploy AppSheet powered Google Chat apps.

At CTS, where I work, we have a range of services to support AppSheet adoption ranging from hackathons, training and development. Feel free to get in touch if you would like to find out more.

Source: How AppSheet reached new heights in 2022 as part of Google Workspace | Google Workspace Blog

Learn how to improve Google Sheets performance

Image credit: Google

You can improve the performance of Google Sheets and speed up calculations.

Via Sourabh Choraria (@schoraria911) we picked up this tweet from
Michael Avrukin who is working on the Google Sheets help center documentation:

The page includes a number of useful tips to speed up Google Sheet calculations and whilst not specifically Google Apps Script related provides useful information on some things you can look out for when your Google Sheet starts getting slow.

Source: Learn how to improve Sheets performance