
Check/uncheck the entire checklist in Google Docs with Google Apps Script

Currently it is unknown if the checklist can be manipulated in Docs. Clark Lind suggests to replace a list item with a copy of one of them (which is in expected state – check/uncheck)

A nice example of the Google Apps Script developer community helping each other out. In this case Alexander Ivanov was looking for a way to interact with the new Google Docs checklist feature. A direct way to interact with these isn’t possible but some clever coding from Alex demonstrates what is currently possible.

Source: Uncheck a checklist

The Google Apps Script Awesome List – Alexander Ivanov

The usual list of links to interesting resources for Google Apps Script – contributorpw/google-apps-script-awesome-list

Alexander Ivanov has been curating this amzing list of Google Apps Script related resources for a number of years. The list includes links to a number of useful resources, cool Apps Script code projects, libraries and more.  If you have a suggestion for the ‘awesome list’ you can open an issue ticket.

Source: contributorpw/google-apps-script-awesome-list