
How to Write Google Apps Script Code Locally in VS Code and Deploy It With clasp

Google Apps Script Power Up

Why Write GAS Code Locally?

When it came out, the new Google Apps Script IDE was, of course, a big deal. It’s way better than the legacy one. It brought syntax highlighting, keyboard shortcuts, command palette and just a much better UI experience.

In fact the reason it’s so good is that it’s built on top of VS Code Monaco editor. But it’s definitely still far away from what a real VS Code installation can do. You can get all the functionality of the online IDE and much more more: autocomplete, custom themes, installation of modules, linting, snippets, etc.

The bare minimum that you would need is :

  • VS Code installation (duh!)
  • Node.js + NPM : a JavaScript runtime with a built-in module installer;
  • Autocomplete;
  • clasp: a CLI utility to sync your GAS code

Let’s get into it!

Source: How to Write Google Apps Script Code Locally in VS Code and Deploy It With clasp