
Google Workspace Developer News: Updates to Tasks API, Chat API, new allowlist feature for Apps Scripts, and more

I’m continually blown away by how much information Google Developer Advocate Chanel Greco squeezes into the Google Workspace Developer News video updates. It’s also great to see the continued development of features and services Workspace developers can use. This video covers a number of updates including:

  • Using the Tasks API to manage tasks assigned from Google Docs or Chat spaces.
  • The general availability of multiselect menus and columns for Google Workspace Add-ons.
  • Using the Chat API to make a Google Chat space discoverable to specific users within an organization by creating target audiences.
  • Authenticating Chat app requests using Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, or an App URL ID Token.
  • Importing spaces from other messaging platforms and allowing external users to join them.
  • The Google Drive API now supports the scope.
  • Google Workspace admins can restrict which URLs Apps Scripts and Sheets can source external content from.

The video description includes all the related documentation links to find out more.

Source: Updates to Tasks API, Chat API, new allowlist feature for Apps Scripts, and more

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