
Google Workspace Developer News: Dialogflow CX and Google Chat API integration, Chat app updates, and more

Episode 5: Welcome to the Google Workspace Developer News! Find out what’s new on the Google Workspace Platform.

Here are the latest Google Workspace developer updates compiled by Chanel Greco. The standout feature is the integration of Google’s Dialogflow CX (a powerful natural language understanding platform) with the Google Chat API. This lets developers build chat apps that truly converse with users. Access is currently available through the Google Workspace Developer Preview Program.

The video spotlights more exciting updates to the Google Chat API. Interactive widgets (like thumbs up/down icons) can now be placed at the bottom of messages, boosting user interaction. Additionally, the formattedText field supports bulleted list markup, making it easier for apps to organize information.

Finally, Google Apps Script gets a boost too! The new LinkPreview Class in the Card Service grants control over link titles, visuals, and how they’re displayed within smart chips.

Click the source link for a deeper dive into these updates and find helpful resources in the video description!

Source: Dialogflow CX and Google Chat API integration, Chat app updates, and more

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