
Guide to completing Casa Tier 2 Security Assessment for Google Apps Script (and how to scan your Google Apps Script project for CASA)

If you want to publish your Google Apps Script project on the Google Workspace Marketplace, or if you already have an add-on or app on this marketplace and are using authorization scopes which are now restricted, you will have to go through a TIER 2 CASA security assessment.

Previously in Pulse we have shared ReDriveApp: A new Google Apps Script library to replace DriveApp and restricted scopes. If your Workspace Add-on still requires restricted scopes then you are going to have to think about the next steps and options. One option is going through the enhanced verification process, which requires a Cloud Application Security Assessment (CASA).

If you would like an overview of the process from a developer’s perspective you are in luck as Kelig Lefeuvre (Product Engineer at Scriptit & Folgo) has shared a guide specifically with Apps Script developers in mind. The article includes a number of useful tips and information about the review process which you won’t find in the official documentation.

As part of the CASA process Kelig recommends using the option to  you can submit bypass the Fortify scan and submit your own results. those results Kelig has also provided a second article with a step-by-step guide on ‘how to scan your Google Apps Script project for CASA’.

Source: Guide to Completing Casa Tier 2 Security Assessment for Google Apps Script & How to scan your Google Apps Script project for CASA

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