
🔒Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in Google Apps Script Dialogs and Sidebars 


If you are looking to publish a Google Workspace Editor Add-on, you may need to consider upping your security with an anti-CSRF token.

Scott Donald has shared some really useful information about protecting your Google Workspace and Apps Script data from malicious websites using anti-CSRF tokens. Google is currently in the process of reviewing Google Workspace Add-ons which means for many restricted scopes in Google Drive developers need to complete CASA Tier 2 security assessments, which require anti-CSRF token.

For more context CSRF attacks are a type of cyberattack that can allow hackers to trick your browser into sending unwanted requests from your account, such as making purchases or changing your settings. This can put your data and privacy at risk.

Anti-CSRF tokens are a simple but effective way to prevent these attacks. They work by generating a unique ID for each user session, which is then included in all requests sent to Google Workspace and Apps Script. This way, the server can verify that the request is legitimate before processing it.

Implementing anti-CSRF protection is relatively easy and this tutorial from Scott explains have you can implement it in your Google Workspace Editor Add-on.

Source: Preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in Google Apps Script Dialogs and Sidebars – Yagisanatode

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