
Discovering Google AppSheet in 48 hours | Part 3 – (Slice, dice, filtered and viewed)

An intense 48-hour tour of AppSheet, Google’s flagship nocode tool, from the perspective of a newcomer to the platform (part 3/4).

It’s the third part of Pablo Felip’s AppSheet in 48 hours series. Christian Schalk has already post an announcement in the AppsSheet community which gives a great summary of this latest episode:

Here are some of key view centric topics covered:

  • A thorough introduction to Views, including their position (Primary, Menu, Reference), as well as user defined vs. and auto-generated. There’s also coverage on the new visual editing feature introduced in August!
  • Building custom views based on data slices, including coverage on performance implications between security filters and data slices.
  • As well as coverage on conditional formatting, including making view-aware expressions with the CONTEXT function.
  • And more!

The post is packed with lots of great tips, highlighting some of the key features and approaches for designing your AppSheet app.

Source: Discovering Google AppSheet in 48 hours | Part 3

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