This is a sample script for retrieving the summary of Google Document using Google Apps Script. Recently, a blog of Auto-generated Summaries in Google Docs has been posted. I thought that this is very interesting function. I thought that when this function is released, checking each summary of a lot of Google Document will be much useful for simply confirming the document content. And also, I thought that when all summaries can be retrieved using a script, it will be also useful. In this post, I would like to introduce to retrieve the summary of Google Document using Google Apps Script.
There are a couple of pieces of interesting information highlighted by this post by Kanshi Tanaike that caught my eye . First, useful to have a reminder that Google announced automatically generated summaries in Docs in February 2022. This might be a premium feature for the paid Workspace accounts as like Kanshi I’m not seeing this yet in my own free Google Workspace domain. The bit that really caught my eye is Google Docs summaries are using the existing Google Drive description
property, which means it is not currently available via DocumentApp
or if using the Google Docs API as an Advanced Service Docs
. I’m sure this will catch some people out and hopefully this post will point people in the right direction.
Source: Retrieving Summary of Google Document using Google Apps Script
Member of Google Developers Experts Program for Google Workspace (Google Apps Script) and interested in supporting Google Workspace Devs.