
Use Google Apps Script to pull all Google Shared Drives and permissions into Google Sheets

If you’re a Google Workspace Super Admin, you’ve probably been thinking of ways to inventory and keep a handle on Google Shared Drives. They are a really great addition to the Workspace offering, but there are still some gaps in reporting & oversight that some people have wanted. This solution uses Google Apps Script and the Drive API to pull information about all the Shared Drives in a domain into a Google Sheet. Then, it uses the Drive API again to loop through all the drives and get the top-level permissions.

For Google Workspace admins Nick Young has provided a nice solution for auditing Google Shared Drives within your Workspace domain. This post covers all the steps to setup, a link to the code on GitHub and some notes on limitations to be aware of.

Source: Use Apps Script to pull all Google Shared Drives and permissions into a Google Sheet

2 comments for “Use Google Apps Script to pull all Google Shared Drives and permissions into Google Sheets

  1. Francisco Herreros
    12 July, 2023 at 16:1922

    It is possible obtain the size?

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