
How to Create a Custom Email Auto-responder for a Google Forms Submission with Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

A few days before publishing this post, I put a call out for some Beta testers to get free access to my new course Google Sheet: Learn the Essentials through 3 Detailed Projects.

I needed a way to provide coupon codes for free access to the course in exchange for some feedback and much-needed tutorials.

To do this, I created a Google Form.  This contained some details and expectations, and then some details about the submitter and a consent checkbox at the end. If the submitter consented and hit submit I wanted them to get an email back with the coupon code.

In this tutorial, we will go through how to create a custom auto email response containing:

  • The submitter’s name in the greeting.
  • Your email message.
  • Your primary signature block from your Gmail account.

Source: How to Create a Custom Email Auto-responder for a Google Forms Submission with Google Apps Script – Yagisanatode

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