
Totally Unscripted: Google Apps Script – Discover, Learn and Share Thur 15 April at at 1200 PDT / 1500 EDT / 2000 GMT+1

In this episode we are going to delve into the topic of how you discover, learn and can share Google Apps Script projects, tips and tricks. We hope we can give you some useful advice if you, friends and colleagues are just starting out coding with Apps Script, or tips if you have been coding for a while and want to improve your Apps Script knowledge. For this episode we’ve got two great guest Chanel Greco – saperis (Founder & CEO) and regular Apps Script contributor Bruce Mcpherson, who’s recent work on the visual Google Apps Script explorer tool, scrviz, is providing developers with new ways to explore and replicate existing Apps Script projects.

Tune in live to contribute to the YouTube live chat (recording immediately available). –

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