
Generating custom travel advice links forĀ Nederlandse Spoorwegen using Google Apps Script

I would like to send clients a travel advice (url) but I don’t know how to do that with the Maps Service. Luckely the website of the ‘Nederlandse Spoorwegen’ offers a possibility to do what I want to do (with some Google Apps Script).

For our fans in the Netherlands a nice little snippet from Mariette Timmer that builds a custom url to use with the Nederlandse Spoorwegen travel advice site. To solve this Mariette uses the Google Maps geocoder to convert an address into lat/long for needed for Nederlandse Spoorwegen.

Source: Travel advice #GoogleAppsScript

A Walk A Day Keeps The Doctor Away #GoogleAppsScript – plotting lat/long data on Google Maps

Nice little script snippet from Mariette Timmer which takes a .csv file with latitude/longitude points and plots them on a Google Map and sends the resulting image embedded in an email.

Source: A Walk A Day Keeps The Doctor Away #GoogleAppsScript

Adding data from spreadsheet to custom fields in Google Contacts with Google Apps Script

At my work data of clients, opposing parties, courts, third parties and cases (among which case names) are stored in a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is the source for contacts in Google Contacts.

For some reason names of cases are used as subject in Gmail. I use(d) Google Apps Script to add case names to Google Contacts

Nice little script example to navigate around and add data to Google Contacts.

Source: /**There must be a better way to do it but I do not yet know how*/: Adding data from spreadsheet to custom fields in Google Contacts with GAS