G Suite Admins have started to be notified that App Maker will be shutdown on January 19, 2021. In the turndown notification Google cited ‘low usage’ as the reason for the shutdown. This news comes shortly after the announcement of Google acquisition of no code platform AppSheet and AppSheet is identified as one of the alternative platforms:
Due to the specific source code used for App Maker, you can’t directly migrate your apps to another platform. Depending on your use case, we recommend these alternative tools:
- If you use App Maker to automate business processes: Use AppSheet, a new addition to our app development portfolio that has capabilities similar to App Maker. App Maker data is stored in Cloud SQL, and App Sheet supports Cloud SQL databases. This allows you to build an application on the existing database tied to your App Maker app.
- If you use App Maker to develop apps: Use App Engine to build and deploy applications on a fully managed platform. App Maker data is stored in Cloud SQL, allowing you to build an App Engine application on the existing Cloud SQL database tied to your App Maker app.
- If you use App Maker for data collection: Use Google Forms, which has many new features that were not available when App Maker launched.
Google included the following schedule for turndown:
- Today, existing apps continue to work. Though App Maker is no longer under active development, the service will continue to be maintained.
- Starting April 15, 2020, you will no longer be able to create new App Maker apps. You will still be able to edit and deploy existing apps.
- Starting January 19, 2021, App Maker apps will stop working and you will no longer have access to them. App Maker data stored in Cloud SQL will remain unchanged and continue to follow the policies established by your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account.
Source: Google App Maker will be shut down on January 19, 2021

Member of Google Developers Experts Program for Google Workspace (Google Apps Script) and interested in supporting Google Workspace Devs.