
How to track time with Google Calendar and sync to Google Sheets – Sheets to Apps

In this episode of Sheets to Apps, we will show you how to track your work time on projects via Google Calendar. More importantly, he’ll be showing you how you can sync Calendar events to Google Sheets, creating a spreadsheet that shows you the total time spent on your projects.

Short video highlighting Jasper Duizendstra’s G Suite Developer Solution Gallery contribution.  See the YouTube description for all the links you need.

3 comments for “How to track time with Google Calendar and sync to Google Sheets – Sheets to Apps

  1. 30 April, 2021 at 05:0623

    This is an amazing Calendar Solution!!!
    I’ve no nothing about code and have been using with no problem.

    Really glad i found it!
    Tnks Pulse !!! tnks Jasper !!!

  2. Bethy
    31 July, 2021 at 15:3222

    Great in theory. Unfortunately though, it does not work.

  3. Bethy
    31 July, 2021 at 15:3222

    Great in theory. Unfortunately though, it does not work.

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